The Carterton Food Angels look provide a balanced Food Parcel to clients. This includes basics such as pasta, rice as well as tinned items. We also look to provide fresh fruit and vegetables and bread when available.
The Carterton Food Angels also have support from the villagers of Alvescot and from the Meadow Way Christmas Light extravaganza. All donations are very well received and greatly appreciated.
Carterton Food Angels also liaise with West Oxfordshire District Council and many referrals come from them. We also have regular meetings with the District Council where we share best practice with other Food Banks.
In addition to Council referrals we also get referrals from Churches and local schools.
Our Service to the Community
The Carterton Food Angels are very fortunate to have excellent support from Morrisons in Carterton. They provide us with fresh fruit and vegetables when available as well as the Green Food Bank donation bags which shoppers can buy. In addition we have superb support from Bourton Road Butchers who provide fresh meat for the Carterton Food Angels. We also collect donations 3 times a week from Marks and Spencer’s in Witney. Mayfield Eggs in New Yatt have been superb supporters of the Food Bank and provide us with a box of 180 eggs each week and have done so since the start of Lockdown. We also have excellent relations with the Chipping Norton Larder and collect any excess from them weekly. We work in partnership with other Food Banks including Exeter Hall in Kidlington and Cowley.
West Oxfordshire Food Map
Scan the QR Code for a map other food support in your area
Community Services
If you are struggling there are lots of other services you can use:
These range from local food banks, community programmes and advice
These are also available as information leaflets at our Warm Hub Space every Wednesday, 2-5pm, Carterton Community Centre!
West Oxfordshire DistrictCouncil - DomesticAbuse
West Oxfordshire have been working hard to strengthen our communities against domestic abuse and help victims get help sooner. Domestic abuse can last longer 25% in rural areas. Are your emotions, words and experiences twisted, manipulated and used against you? It is emotional abuse and it is NOT OKAY!
Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service - 0800 731 0055
(10am-7pm Mon-Fri)
National Domestic Abuse Helpline - 0800 200 0247
(24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Galop - 0800 99 5428
(10am-5-m Mon-Fri, 10am-8pm Wed &Thurs)
CAP Life Skills
CAP Life Skills is a 8 session course to teach you practical money saving techniques, such as a cooking budget, living healthily on less, and making your money go further. They will also give you top tips for dealing with life's pressures and taking control of your future.
Follow the link to get more information about CAP Life Skills:
WhiteCat Wellbeing
We offer mental health training and bespoke team cohesion & leadershipworkshops, to help you and your team flourish together in a safe and positive environment.
We have a range of mental health training courses and can design personal and team development courses to suit your needs. All of our courses have the golden strands of resilience, mental fitness and social & psychological safety woven into them.
We're glad you're here so relax and feel free to have a look around. We have useful & free resources and guidance on our site.
Follow the link below to see their resources:
Send an email:
Call them on 07733 075552